Local amenities
Keeping a watching brief on traffic control, road and pavement maintenance, street lighting, garbage management, anti-graffiti measures and the installation of mobile phone towers and base stations through attendance at urban planning meetings.
Specific issues include resurfacing of Darling Point and New Beach Roads and the condition of roads and poor state of pavements.
327 bus service update, dated 15/04/2020 - Transport for NSW, Document Ref: 01031456
Transport for NSW has proposed new bus routes for the Woollahra Municipality.
Please visit the your say link to provide feedback on the proposed bus routes.
Please open the media link listed below for more information​:
During 2021, the 328 bus service to and from Darling Point to Bondi Junction has replaced the 327 route to the city after a long and passionate campaign to retain the 327 but the request was rejected by Transport Minister Constance and the bus 328 is now a regular service.​