The Woollahra Municipal Council is seeking feedback on the Special Rate Variation (SRV). The SRV brocure does not mention the skate park expenditure.
Please follow the links below and download the correspondence and SRV brochure below:
Feedback link:
Pop-up community engagement sessions are listed below:
Edgecliff: 4pm-6pm, Wednesday 14 September outside Edgecliff Station
Bellevue Hill: 8am-10am Saturday 17 September, Bellevue Rd shops (near 27A Bellevue Road)
Paddington: 11am-1pm Saturday 17 September, 394 Oxford Street
Double Bay: 9am-11am Monday 19 September, Kiaora Lane
Rose Bay: 9am-11am Tuesday 20 September, Dover Road (near Wilberforce car park entrance)
Rose Bay: 10am-12pm Wednesday 28 September, Lyne Park.
Other media:
Online Webinar on Wednesday 21 September from 5.30pm and you can register here.