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Skateboard Park Rushcutters Bay


Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Skate Park aerial view, with rendering.
Skate Park aerial view, with rendering.

A rendering of the Skate Park to be placed in Rushcutters Bay Park
A rendering of the Skate Park to be placed in Rushcutters Bay Park

The area proposed for use by the Skatepark.
The area proposed for use by the Skatepark.

Council have sponsored a concept plan from CONVIC for a skateboard facility to be built in Rushcutters Bay Park.

The Society supports the endeavours of a group of young people for such a recreational facility. However, there is strong opposition from local residents who are concerned at the loss of green space and the issue of noise.

The Society recommends that another local site be found for building this facility, including possibly more recreational opportunities such a basket ball court, swimming pool and more.

Due to the increase in development and more young people in the area, sport facilities are essential to the wellbeing of the younger population.

The first proposal site alongside the canal was defeated.

A second proposal was passed by the Finance and Community Services Committee in October 2018. An opposing group (SOS Rushcuters Bay) was formed including residents of both Darling Point, Elizabeth Bay and Rushcutters Bay.

The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) issued a 12 month Interim Heritage Order at our request thereby stopping the Council from beginning work on the planned facility.

Following the State elections in April 2019 the Premier Gladys Berejiklian disbanded the OEH, losing 40 employees. A decision regarding the validity of the IHO is pending.

A 12 month IHO has been approved. The council has seen fit to appeal and a petition to maintain the heritage order has been submitted to parliament.

Sequence of events:

  1. Council meeting minutes, on the Public Record. Item 16.3 NOTICE OF MOTION - RUSHCUTTERS BAY PARK INTERIM HERITAGE ORDER, page 394.

  2. Article in Domain written by Sue Williams, January 21, 2019. Rushcutters Bay residents assemble legal team to oppose harbourside skate park

  3. Article in The Wentworth Courier, posted February 14, 2019. Skate Ramp plans alive.

  4. Article in Alt Media, by Irina Dunn, posted February 20, 2019. Woollahra's arrogant councillors.

  5. Article in Alt Media, by Andrew Woodhouse writing about the Rushcutters Bay Skate Park.

  6. Article in Pedestrian by Brad Esposito, posted July 15, 2019. Sydney Councillor Backs Skate Park Because It's Haters Will be "Dead In 10 Years".

  7. Article in Domain written by Sue Williams, posted July 14, 2019. Rushcutters Bay Park skate complex proposal heats up: Councillor slams opponents as ‘old people with nothing else to do’​

  8. Article in the Wentworth Courier, Posted 17 July 2019. Skate Park continues to divide community.

  9. A formal complaint letter submitted to Council reporting the actions of Clr Marano, towards the Darling Point Society.

  10. Letter to the editor published, Page 25 of the Wentworth Courier 24/07/2019. Councillor's comments ramps up opposition.

  11. Councillor Code of Conduct, currently in breach by Clr Marano. Sight section 3.3.

  12. Article in Alt Media written by Mitch Hitch, posted 24/07/2019. Skate Park Roller Ride.

  13. Article in Alt Media written by Mitch Hitch, posted 31/07/2019. Bad behaviour gets plenty of air.

  14. Second formal complaint sent to Woollahra Council.

  15. Minister for Local Council email follow up on previous Code of Conduct complaints.

  16. Online Article Wentworth Courier written by Anton Rose, posted 31/07/2019. Councillor apologies about 'disrespectful' remarks made about 'old people'

  17. Article in SMH, by Andrew Taylor, posted 11/08/2019. Half-pipe dreams: Sydney finally offers skateboarders room to move.

  18. Article in The Sun Herald - Extra, Letters section. Posted 18/08/2019. Insult to young and old.

  19. The Sydney Morning Herald, Letters section. Posted 18/08/2019. Don't skate around heritage issue.

  20. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage document, Rushcutters Bay Park (Under consideration).

  21. Interim Heritage Order status update from Andrew Woodhouse, dated 24/09/2019.

  22. The NSW Heritage Office Committee has deferred it's decision until the October monthly meeting regarding the heritage status of the Rushcutters Bay Park. Correspondance from Andrew Woodhouse, 05/09/2019.

  23. Published by City Of Sydney Council. City Of Sydney 2036 - 20 year development plan.

  24. Article in Domain written by Sue Williams. Posted 03/10/2019. Controversial bid for Rushcutters Bay skate park set to be quashed by heritage listing recommendation.

  25. Official government response from The Hon. Gabrielle Upton to The Hon Shelley Hancock MP, Minister for Local Government. Sent 02/10/2019.

  26. Article in CityHub, by Andrew Woodhouse, Posted 03/10/2019. Skatepark hits heritage hurdles.

  27. ABC Morning Radio show, Host Wendy Harmer and Robbie Buck. Dixie Coulton, Former Deputy Mayor City of Sydney. Interview recorded 4/10/2019.

  28. Letter published in the Wentworth Courier, written by Paul Haege, 09/10/2019. Letter of the week, Skate Ban Welcome.

  29. News article published in the Wentworth Courier, written by Anton Rose 09/10/2019. Heritage twist in skate park stoush.

  30. Published Wentworth Courier Letters, Your Say, page 32 16/10/2019. Your SAY - Join The Debate.

  31. Heritage Council of NSW document DOC19/872088 letter to Andrew Woodhouse. DOC19/872088.

  32. Letters by John O'Connor, R E Hall and John Walton AM, Wentworth Courier Your Say, Page 32. 16/10/2019.

  33. CARMICHAEL's COLUMN, posted in Vol. Issue 7of LattéLife Eastern Suburbs.

  34. Article posted in City Hub, 04/11/2019. Written by Anthony Woodhouse. Double Bay Festival celebrates 9 years. Thank you to the volunteers, members and DPS committee for your assistance with the stall.

  35. Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 FOI request has been submitted by Andrew Woodhouse 06/11/2019 to Woollhara Council.

  36. Letters published in the Wentworth Courier, written by Dominic Maunsell and Graham Malcolm, 06/11/2019. Your Say, Join The Debate.

  37. Article published in the Koori Mail, written by Andrew Woodhouse, 11/11/2019. Support sought for heritage listing of Rushcutters Bay.

  38. Letter by Tim Locke, submitted to Your Say Wentworth Courier. Published 13/11/2019. Your Say - Join The Debate.

  39. Letter from Teresa Kiernan to Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore, dated 14/11/2019.

  40. Skateboard Park Survey December 2018, provided by Andrew Woodhouse.

  41. Report prepared by the Woollahra Council, Community & Environment Committee. Dated 07/10/2015. See Section D3, pages 11 to 139.

  42. Cooper Park to be Heritage Listed, published in the Wentworth Courier, 11/12/2017. Article written by Kate Bastians.

  43. Rushcutters Bay Park: Request for renewal of Interim Heritage Order. Letter sent by Andrew Woodhouse to the NSW Heritage Office, 26/11/2019.

  44. New draft Plans of Management have been drafted by Woollahra Council. PDF supplied by Andrew Woodhouse, 02/12/2019.

  45. Hon. Gabrielle Upton Rushcutters Bay and Yarranabbe Park State Heritage Listing Statement, Prepared 06/10/2019. Thank you to the volunteers, members, DPS committee and Hon. Gabrielle Upton for your assistance with the Heritage Listing.

  46. Woollhara Council local residents survey released. Click here.

  47. The Police response to a resident query regarding the Rushcutters Bay Park, received 14/01/2020.

  48. Council's skate park proposal to be scrapped by Heritage Minister. Published in LatteLife Eastern Suburbs, Local new section, page 3. Written by Editor Christian King.

  49. New correspondence recommending that Yarranabe and Ruschutters Bay Park be listed on the State Heritage Register. Correspondence 17/05/2020 - HMD20/7

  50. Griffith University, Skate parks as a context for adolescent development. A peer reviewed study Conducted by Graham L, published 2010 in the Journal of Adolescent Research.

  51. Dated 06/08/2020, The Heritage Council recommendation to add the Waratah Street and New South Head Road, Rushcutters Bay green space to the State Heritage Register. Document reference, DOC20/177332

  52. Dated 11/06/2020.  'Fine balance': NSW government moves to protect park with heritage listing, SMH article written by Andrew Taylor.

  53. CityHub article by written by Andrew Woodhouse. Heritage halts skatepark, published 19/06/2020.

  54. The Notice of Motion for the State Heritage Listing of Hermitage Foreshore Track, Official media release by Hon Gabrielle Upton MP. Published 18/06/2020.

  55. Dated 25/06/2020, NSW Listing on the State Heritage Register - Rushcutters Bay and Yarranabbe Park.  Document number DOC20/494809.

  56. 17/07/2020 - The Hon Gabrielle Upton MP has made a private members statement and released the an official media release. Click here for the Media release and Hansard.

  57. 17/08/2020 Submission on State Strategic Plan for Crown Lands NSW submitted to NSW Government. DPS Submission Media release.

  58. Even though a a State Heritage Listing is now in place, the council has been pushing forward with the planned skate park development.

    1. Please read the update, by following this link. - 29th March 2021 Rushcutters Bay Park update

  59. Information regarding the Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) and S60 amendment to the State Heritage Order being conducted by Woollahra Municipal Council, a news article has been written in CityHub 3rd August 2021:

    1. CityHub article Rushcutters Bay: Heritage report concerns community over skate park development. Published 3rd August 2021 by Tessa Pelle

  60. The Manager of Open Space and Trees has responded to the Darling Point Edge letters section regarding the Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) and S60 amendment to the State Heritage Order being conducted by Woollahra Municipal Council. Document provided by a Society Member.:

    1. Daring Point Edge Letters Section. Published March 2021

    2. Yarranabbe Plaza Seawall Proposed Masterplan - July 2012

    3. Yarranabbe Plan of Management - July 2012

  61. The Darling Point Society Inc, contacted the General Manager Craig Swift-McNair from the Woollahra Municipal Council for more information on the development of Rushcutters Bay and Yarranabbe Park. on the 4th August 2021. WMC responses listed below​:

    1. Initial letter, submitted to WMC GM Craig Swift-McNair

    2. Response from Director - Infrastructure and Stability Tom O'Hanlon response, 12th August 2021

    3. Yarranabbe Park Plan of Management re-design

  62. Further clarification has been sought by the Darling Point Society Inc from the Woollahra Municipal Council, including a query regarding the Yarranabbe Park Concept Plan:

    1. Letter to Director - Infrastructure and Stability Tom O'Hanlon - 18/08/2021

    2. Yarranabbe Park Concept Plan - 24/08/2021

    3. Enhanced view of the Yarranabbe Plaza Plan

  63. Darling Point Society City Hub 17th December 2021 - Skateboard park:

    1. City Hub 17th December 2021 - Skateboard park​ - Online article link

    2. City Hub 17th December 2021 - Skateboard park​ - PDF download

  64. Correspondance regarding Skateboard Park to WMC General Manager - 23rd December 2021:

    1. Correspondance regarding Skateboard Park to WMC General Manager - Letter sent from The Darling Point Society Inc - 23rd December 2021

  65. The Darling Point Society Inc has released an Article in CityHub, covering the planned Skate Park- 11th February 2022:

    1. City Hub Rushcutters Bay Skatepark saga is not over 11th February 2022 - PDF download

  66. A Rescission motion submission for the Skate park has been submitted to the WMC - 11th February 2022:

    1. Skate Park Rescission Motion​ in PDF format - 11/02/2022

  67. New correspondence to Mayor Susan Wynne and General Manager Craig McNair, of the Woollahra Municipal Council regarding the Notice of Motion 16.9 and the Rescission motion pertaining to the Youth Recreational Facility on Rushcutters Bay.

    1. Letter to Mayor Susan Wynne​ - 19/02/2022

    2. Letter to General Manager Craig McNair - 19/02/2022

  68. Article published in The Daily Telegraph, 24/02/2022 written by Emily Macdonald.

    1. Rushcutters Bay Youth Recreation Facility: skate park war reignites with Woollahra council motion - 24/02/2022

  69. Correspondence from Woollahra Municipal Council General Manager Craig Swift-McNair regarding Notice of Motion - 14 February 2022:

    1. Skate Park Notice of Motion query response Youth Recreation Facility - 14/06/2022

  70. Skateboard Park Rushcutters Bay resurfacing at Finance and Community Meeting 01/08/2022 6.30 PM, Item R1.​

    1. Meeting link -​

    2. Meeting agenda - FC-and-S-Agenda-1-Aug-2022-FINAL - Skatepark Item R1

  71. Charlotte Feldman, The President of the Darling Point Society represented the community at the Finance Community & Services Committee Meeting, 1 August 2022. Go to 35:26 to view the speech presented by the Darling Point Society Inc, Charlotte Feldman.

    1. Speech by Charlotte Feldman in PDF format - 01/08​/2022

    2. DPS letter to Hon Premier Domenic Perrottet - 01/08/2022

    3. Meeting audio link - 01/08/2022

    4. Meeting minutes - 01/08/2022

    5. Meeting agenda - 01/08/2022

    6. Meeting Youtube link - 01/08/2022

  72. The Sydney Morning Herald published an article on the 8th August 2022, covering the proposed Skate Park development in Rushcutters Bay Park. The Darling Point Society Inc has responded and included a letter to the local community and members highlighting the actions taken to preserve the green space in Darling Point.

    1. Sydney Morning Herald article Can they make it more obvious? Skaterboys dispair. Article written by Michael Koziol, 8th August 2022

    2. The Darling Point Society Inc response letter, to the Local Community and Society Members, 11th August 2022

  73. The Woollahra Municipal Council meeting was completed and the motion for a preparation of a Conservation Management Strategy for the State Heritage Listed site and a Heritage Impact Statement for the project was rejected.

    1. Council meeting recap in PDF format - 24/08​/2022

    2. Meeting agenda - 24/08/2022

    3. Meeting audio recording - 24/08/2022

    4. Meeting YouTube link - 24/08/2022

  74. The Woollahra Municipal Council held a meeting to discuss the future development of the Rushcutters Bay Skate park. The Wentworth Courier reporter Bianca Healey reported on the result of the meeting.

    1. Wentworth Courier article in PDF format - 30/08/2022

Presenting the No Skatepark Petition to Parliament.
Presenting the No Skatepark Petition to Parliament.

On the steps of Parliament House, Hon Gabriel Upton present.
On the steps of Parliament House, Hon Gabriel Upton present.

Video of Rushcutters Bay Park, showing multiple uses in the area of the proposed Skate Park. Footage provided by Stephen Carnell.


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© 2019 by The Darling Point Society Inc

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